Voodoo Mistress pt3
Have you ever prayed so intently, that you've physically left your body to have a conversation with the other side? Most people wouldn't believe me if I told them half the shit magic and mediation can allow you to experience, because in their reality connecting with the other side seems impossible. Well, for those of us that are awakened spiritually, what's true for us will sound bizarre to someone that has never reached this level of consciousness. While on my hands and knees, I'm waiting outside of Beth Israel's Trauma unit just crying and praying to God for help to get Dre through this. Even though I didn't want to be with the nigga, I still had mad love for him and I didn't want to see him die at 28 years old over no dumb shit. The guilt would've surely killed me. I had to get my mind right and step inside of myself to get control of the situation. It took some time and energy to focus on my breathing and try to erase that grizzly image of Dre bl...