I've picked up many valuable jewels from the people I've encountered during my time as an entertainer. People from all walks of life that all have a purpose and a message God ordained especially for you. You've ever had a terrible ass day? The kind when you're rushing and then get stuck in traffic, or your car breaks down after you just paid all your bills. Well, I've heard stories about when bad just got worse and people have survived and learned a valuable life lesson that they choose to share because it might help you to either to remain humble or just enjoy life. Life is short and its people walking amongst us that have been through storms that make your struggles sound like a vacation. 

Champagne- ATL, GA. - There is no secret that some entertainers do more than just entertain. Back in the early 2000's this was the name of the game. Dancing and selling pussy went hand in hand. All the girls did it, some bitches just did it in a classy discreet way. 

I was 22 years old when I started traveling from Chicago to ATL to dance back in 2007. I recently had my first son, and his father went back to jail, so I did what I felt needed to be done. I would leave my son with my mother on a Thursday, fly down to ATL, sell pussy and dance the whole weekend. I never left ATL with less than 6-10k and this routine worked for me until my son father came home from jail in 2012 and everything got fucked up. I had gotten so used to doing me that I didn't want to slow that down just to be a family. I was getting real money and making a name for myself, having a nigga would just be bad for business, especially selling pussy on the side. I did love the nigga, but not enough to stop what I was doing, so what did I do? Lie, about everything!

 My son father knew I was a stripper, by this time it was super obvious. I had gotten my entire body done, which included ass shots, lip filler and a pair of very expensive titties. When he came home, I was a completely different person, someone that he didn't actually know anymore and part of me wanted to keep it that way. I never wanted to ruin his image of me, although I knew I was too far gone. I had started dabbling in drugs and drinking heavily, anything to numb me temporarily and excuse me for all the fucked-up shit I was doing. Morally, I knew I was heading down a destructive path, but I wanted to provide my son with the life I've never had and the one he deserved. I was always too player to have a pimp; the idea of a nigga making money off the pussy my mama gave me just didn't sit well with me. However, I did make sure I was always protected while I was out doing me; NO GLOVE=NO LOVE! But sins always catch up to you sooner or later and I knew this to be true when my babyfather was murdered behind my bullshit...... Let me tell you about it. 

It started as a typical weekend for me, I'm getting ready to go down to ATL and get this money. My son father, Jarrod birthday was gonna fall on that Sunday. Usually on my weekend trips I would get back to Chicago on Sunday night or early Monday morning. This would've been his first birthday out of jail after 5 years, so I wanted to celebrate and make it extra special for him. I told him to come with me to ATL, that way I could work at night, and we can celebrate his birthday during the day for the whole weekend. I already had it in my mind that this would be a weekend where I'm locked in and I can't slide off to sell pussy because he would be with me majority of the time, but of course nothing went as planned........

Jarrod was the quiet killer type. Deep chocolate skin, long dreads and the biggest dimples I had ever seen. He had been in and out of jail for most of his life by the age of 30 for guns, drugs and miscellaneous assaults. Nothing domestic though, he never put his hands on me. He was a street dude but always had a soft spot for me since the day I met him. We started dating when I was 19, he went to jail soon after for a year and once he came home the first time, he got me pregnant right away. Despite now having a family, his dumbass couldn't leave the streets alone and got locked up again 3 weeks after our son was born. He didn't come home again until he was about to turn five. He couldn't stand that I was a stripper, but I was taking care of him and our child while he was away, so he didn't complain too much. 

For Jarrod's birthday weekend I was going to go all out for him and make his 31st a birthday one he would never forget. But ironically it would be a birthday that I'd never forget and one he unfortunately would never get to see. 

We catch a flight to ATL on that Thursday night, it was pretty late when we arrived, so he went to the hotel, and I went straight to the strip club. Since we separated, I figured it wouldn't hurt to slide off with a trick as long as I got back to the hotel before the sun came up. So that's what I did. I worked at the club, made a little bit of money, then I left with a regular customer of mine for a $400 quickie and went back to the hotel and cuddled with my babyfather.  The next day, it was pretty much the same thing except this time I did a quick date in the VIP for $250 and I left the club with another trick for $300 before I went back to the hotel and still had to fuck my nigga. But every hoe understands it doesn't matter how many dicks you suck in a day, or how many tricks you can fuck, if you gotta nigga at home he gotta be sucked and fucked too! 

Saturday came and this was the day that my life changed forever. Jarrod and I had been partying, drinking and doing drugs that whole weekend. He wasn't suspicious of anything extracurricular I had going on because I was never stingy with my pussy when it came to him.  He could get this pussy on demand, and it always snapped right back so he could never tell if another nigga had been in the cookie jar. After we fucked, while we are getting dressed to go get some food, he suggests that he brings his birthday in at the club tonight. He had never seen me in that element before, and previously made it clear that he didn't want too so I was confused. I didn't like the idea of him coming to the club because I didn't want him to see me like that, but then I said fuck it why not. It's his birthday so he can have whatever he wants! 

I got to the club that night, ordered my babyfather a section and set it up with balloons. I couldn't wait to see what the night was hitting for and help him turn up for the time lost. He got to the club around 10 and everything was going smooth until it wasn't. I had a trick that I be fuckin on come to the club, because I spent a lot on my babyfather and refused to leave ATL without getting some of that money back. I thought shit would be cool if I kept them apart, but I honestly didn't think this decision all the way through; I just wanted some money. 

1 Timothy 6:10 reads, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

 Bottomline, I got too drunk, so I did a VIP with my trick, while my babyfather was right across the club. I spoke to him about it before hand and let him know it was going to do a private and I'll be back soon. Jarrod was so drunk he didn't really care at that point, he had a few girls and some bottles, so he was ok! 

 I take the trick to the VIP and at first the dance was professional, but this a lil young nigga I been fucking on for a while, so it was hard for him to keep his hands off me. Security usually watches the curtain, so I wasn't concerned about anybody bussing in on us. I thought it would be ok if he touched me just a little as long as he kept the money coming. I always made a few hundred off this nigga and if I did a little extra, I would get a little extra. This trick ass nigga kept trying to convince me to fuck by pulling out more and more money, and even had a condom! After a while I finally gave in; I just wanted the money. I reached in his pants and pulled his dick out; I was looking around being very nervous as he laid back and just allowed his eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure. I began to swish his dick around my mouth in a circular motion, while moving my tongue in the opposite direction, this drove him insane. I gathered up all the spit in my mouth and swallowed his dick until my stomach felt tight and my eyes were about to pop out of my head. I was giving him some of that wet, nasty, sloppy-drunk head that he loved so much. This caused him to kick his feet up and that's how he accidently moved the fuckin curtain. 

I'm not sure how long the curtain was open because it seemed like everything happened so fast! I'm gagging on the dick and the next thing I know Jarrod is directly over top of me swinging on dude while I still have his entire dick lodged in my throat! Jarrod got him a few good times in the face before security finally rushed over and broke it up; I thought that would end it, but he immediately turned his raged towards me. "POWWWWW !!!!! "Like lightening, my entire body fell to the floor as Jarrod cocked his hand back and slapped me with all the strength God gave him! "You a dirty ass bitch!!!" He screamed as he was being put out of the club. 

Of course, I'm crying, I'm embarrassed and now I'm scared because I know I fucked up and he is not trying to hear any excuse I could ever come up with. I run to the dressing room to hurry up and get dressed in an attempt to catch him before he could pull off. I'm running through the club towards the exit when I hear 4 shots. My heart instantly sunk; I just had a bad feeling. Everybody scrambling ducking and taking cover while I'm trying to make my way outside. 

I rush out the club, security is running up to me yelling call the police!!!

"Who is it!?" I say in a panic! 

"Man, Idk but he bleeding really bad, he needs some help!" he yelled. "Somebody call 911, he's dying!"

I looked over his shoulder; I could see the white door to our rental car open and just fell to my knees. Between the two cars I could see someone laying on the ground in a green shirt, which was slowing turning dark with blood. I flipped the fuck out!!! I tried running over to him, but the security guard wouldn't let me get pass him. "I don't want you to see him like that," he told me while trying to fight me back. My whole world shattered in that moment. I took my phone out to try to call him, praying he would answer the phone and that he was ok, but he wasn't. I sat there crying on the pavement in the parking lot, feeling every emotion all at once until the police finally got to the scene.

To be continued Trappers <3 Thank you for reading! 


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