Not my typical blog post

 So this blog post is going to be very different from any of the blog's stories I've done in the past. This one is personal and I'm going to be very transparent about where I am in life right now. 

The last past year has been so trying and eye opening for me; it has left me in an uncomfortable space mentally and emotionally. I'm in a state of transition and confusion. I've always been me, if you know me personally you know this means I've always been very fun, sometimes wild, outspoken, fearless and optimistic about life and the future.

Lately, I don't feel like me. 

And I now understand that it is because I've grown and changed due to the experiences I've encountered thus far that has gotten me to this place. It's weird because I feel like I don't know who I am anymore and I'm constantly questioning myself about everything. 

The Honey I know, the things she likes, the men she likes, things that interest her has changed and I'm desperately trying to figure it all out. 

With that being said, it leaves the door wide open on my past life. I'm not that woman anymore but my reputation of being 'that girl' follows me. People still expect me to react the same, do the same shit and think the same way. 


It's very hard writing about my past experiences and the experiences of other entertainers because I'm not the same. My perception has changed tremendously, and I just want to move forward in discovering who I am today! 

I don't want y'all to misinterpret what I'm saying, so let me say this....


If I could do this shit all over I would do it the exact same way, I'd just be a little smarter with it. I learned so much and met so many people during this journey, I find value in all of it, and it helped shape me into the woman I've grown to be..... but the Stripper Honey is dead. 

I was a dancer for 10 years as of 2023 (off and on) and that part of my life is over. I'm not really sure what this means for my blog as of yet, lawd knows I have stories for days about the shit I've seen and done but I'm wearier of how this depiction is being perceived because I want more for my life, and I don't want to be viewed as the stripper that went to college. I'm Honey, who is well educated and still a little ghetto.... but the rest of her is what I'm still in the process of figuring out. 

I encourage all of my trappers to get UNSTUCK. This lifestyle is comfortable and can be very addictive, but always have a backup plan. You will not have your looks, or even the same mentality forever for it's important to get your ducks in a row now before you become the oldest bitch in the club. I know 50 year old strippers that has never had a job, they have no real plan and no skills. This is the scariest shit in the world to me and I promised myself I would never be that girl... but honestly speaking it can happen to anyone that gets comfortable living this fast lifestyle. 

The money gets addictive, the power you have over men is intoxicating and the status that you earn over time can become a chip on your shoulder if you let it, making it harder to get out. 

What happens if you never get out? Then what? You have to rely on niggas or the government for the rest of ya life. We don't have a pension, 401k, and you can't put it on ya resume so in the end you get fucked over if you're not handling your business. 

Most dancers go into business for themselves but that requires Entreprenurial skills and half of em don't have a clue WTF they're doing so that also eventually fails..... ALL I"M SAYING IS BE SMART AND CONSIDER YOUR FUTURE IN WHAT YOU'RE DOING TODAY! 

This is my motivation for wanting to change from the inside out, I REFUSE TO BE STUCK!

I'll never knock the hustle or hate on the younger bitches coming up in the game, it's always money to be made, just handle ya business trapperz!

In the words of the honorable Young Dolph, " Get paid young nigga get paid!" 

Thank you for reading! Look forward to a story blog by the end of the week! 


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